Wednesday, December 16, 2009

By God's Hand

Today is our last day of school before Christmas break. I worked on the final test; two questions from each subject including History, Grammar, Spanish, Math, Geography, Composition, Dictation, hmmm, will she get them all right? It's terrible to be a Mom and the teacher on this day, I want her to do so well. I want her to soar, to ace the test. I have to write the test and be sure it is fair, yet an accurate representation of all the subjects. Truth be known, it's a reflection of myself, her performance, and I squirm under the glass of evaluation. I was exhausted after writing the test. She was cramming, falling asleep with the light on. "That's my girl", I thought when I went to bed. This morning I started the test with Bible, the first question was, in your own words, explain what is the providence of God? (Heidelberg Catechism 1563, Question 27) She thought for a moment then without a pause said, "The providence of God is that we have been able to keep our house for two years. We didn't have money, but God told a lady to write a check, she did and so by God's hand we were able to keep our house." I wasn't expecting this answer, so confidently spoken and given to "the teacher". The answer on the key read, "The almighty and everywhere present power of God, whereby, as it were, by his hand, he still upholds heaven and earth, with all creatures, and so governs them that herbs and grass, rain and drought, fruitful and barren years, meat and drink, health and sickness, riches and poverty, yea, all things, come not by chance, but by his fatherly hand." I closed my eyes, smiled, trying to hide how pleased I was, she said "I think I got it right." Thank you Jesus for your hand and for the clarity of an eight year old.

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