Monday, August 23, 2010

Genetically Guilty

There are few mothers who don’t deal with guilt on some level or another. I have thought for awhile that moms are some of the most guilt ridden people on the planet. The children we are blessed with become mirror images of the things we do and don’t like about ourselves. Extended family loves to sit around at family events and point out who has what grievance or attribute. “She’s just like her Mother,” or “I’ve seen that before.” I’ve been wrestling for years with a raw place that has been a plague since childhood. Is it in my genetics? Is it just a series of personality traits and circumstance? I still don’t know. What I do know is that I am going to pray, not fear, not prevent, and not control the guilty trait from being passed on to my genetically ridden children. What if I could bless them, not curse them? What would that look like? What my flesh wants is to have the power to choose, but the spirit in me knows the blessing happens when I let go and let them breathe.

I took my two image bearers to the dentist this past week. We were hopeful for healthy clean teeth, but were worried about the verdict at the end of this trip. A beautiful woman was waiting in the ‘holding’ room while her young son let the ‘happy’ juice take affect. I’ve been through this recently as my radiant active child turned into a monster before my eyes. At one point he turned to me, leaned in real close and said, “I don’t like you, Mommy.” It was exhausting as his head seemed too heavy for him to carry on his shoulders and I had to keep him upright. Needless to say, her little one was having a hard time. The uniformed people came for him and she sat down next to me. I asked her if this was his first time to get the happy juice. She teared up and said no, he has been here often recently. The woman crumbled. “You see, he has gastric reflux and the acid that should remain in the deep caverns of his stomach rise and destroyed his back teeth. So, one by one the teeth were being extracted.” She went on to explain she had suffered with this disorder for so long as a young person, but not until she was twenty was it discovered and the healing medicine of Prevacid given to her. I felt the weight of her guilt as it was her fault he had this disorder. She spoke of her genetics, her erroneously made DNA, and I recognized despair. We discussed the happy side of his being able to receive the medicine now, and that the many surgeries and tissue repair would hopefully not await him. This didn’t seem to lift her. What do I say? I’ve felt this. Is it the code or is it just a bi-product of life on earth? This woman told me her husband had told her that God had made their boy. The words sat there between us, and I said it sounded like a truth she could believe. The unsaid was whether or not she is or is not going to trust the God that made the boy, which made the Mom, who knows the end, and will finish the story for each and every one of us. The door opened and a weepy little boy reached for her and she wrapped her arms around him. The gauze in his mouth gave him a crooked little smile, but he was at peace with her.

The door swung open again and my Crest sparkling little ones were peering out at me. Then the verdict, “We don’t have cavities!!!!” “Look how clean our teeth are.” “Mom, can we get a treasure out of the box? “ I love dentist treasure boxes as the sugar has been removed from the spelling of T-r-e-a-t. We made it to the waiting room where this Mom was struggling to hold the very asleep little one and pay her bill. I offered to help, but she was shouldering her genetic material, her guilt, her purse, and her pride all at once and well, she didn’t need any help. I sighed and said a prayer for the woman and the child.

And would you know not even one minute later, we are getting into the car and my kids are repeating the words of the dentist, about the space between their teeth, the room in their mouth, and about their ‘good’ teeth. Without thinking I said, “You have my side of the family to thank for that.” The words just hung there in my throat. You dumb, dumb, woman, what are you saying! Our parents have no control over what we do or do not get, this is not where the gratitude lays. But we thank the Lord for the good and the bad, right? Right? Say it Beth, say it… I hung my head at the heaviness I felt over my own reckless behavior. I have to undo this. Lord, help…

Our lunch was greeted with smiles and busy talk of the video games at the dentist’s office and the taste of the cleaning products. We bowed our heads to thank God for the verdict of healthy teeth, a place to have our teeth cleaned, and for making us just how we are. It didn’t seem like enough at the end of the prayer. I should have gone on about how He is the potter and we are the clay and we should not question why He made us so. I still felt guilty as I’m pretty good at recognizing it by now. While the veggie sticks crunched, and the plans for play were created, I managed a second prayer. “Forgive me Jesus, help me not feel guilt and help me to recognize quickly from whom all things come.”

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Secret to Clean Floors

Ok, I have to sum up what life is like just one of the four days when my husband travels.

August 5, 2010

I was enjoying a early morning snuggle with my little boy, who never wants me when my husband is around, when I heard my house guest and Purdy, the dog, on the steps. Thinking our guest was frustrated with me I went downstairs to take care of my dog duty. Our puppy was diagnosed with intestinal parasites three days ago, so I have been to the vet twice in three days. I fed the dog it's food, with it's medicine, and the yogurt, that the vet said would help, and it vomited it, and then played with it on the cement outside the back door.

The dog then plays in the mud, comes inside and jumps on the couch. My daughter locked eyes with me, wondering why I wasn’t screaming. Mostly because it’s before 7am and I was way too out of it.

I made biscuits and served them to the kids with my neighbor’s gift, Huckleberry jam from Montana.

David didn't like the jam. Said it was yucky. Into the trash went the biscuit.

I took the dog on a walk in 86 degree weather at 7:15. God, I ask, why do I live in Nashville, TN?

I washed the dog because it had played in it's vomit.

I washed the couch and clean the floor AGAIN.

The kids started fighting about what to do today. Anger because they couldn't go to the dentist as we all have colds that my pilgrim husband brought home to us. We decide on Paleta's, a really expensive popsicle joint, and the bookstore.

While in the car driving to our excursion David realizes that Paleta's is not the same as Gelato and insists that he is not going. In my sweetest Mommy voice I say, “Okay, you don't have to have any.”

We go to the bookstore where my easy going nine year old immediately picks out a 50% off Bible that she likes and David screams and throws Bible's on the floor because he cannot have the Bible that has a little door that opens like a Harry Potter book ($30). I commence to tell him that the cover is a gimmick, that this Bible doesn’t have pictures, and being as he doesn’t read, he’s going to want pictures. The store clerk follows me around the store picking up after me with the look of "Oh Brother". I check out and apologize for my children making a mess in her store.

Jesus would have apologized I am sure of it. Since there were WWJD paraphernalia everywhere I made sure I apologized.

We go to Paleta's where David gets the coconut strawberry and Sydney the cookie one. David ends up throwing his out the window because of the consistency of the Paleta is Yucky. I said I told you so, I told you 3 times to get the lime one. There went the $2.50 popsicle.

We go home and barely make it in the door when the storm came. Lost power and water. David is beyond the pale at this point because he was watching Starwars. David continues on his downward decline. He pulled the cat's leg in two and kicked Purdy in the stomach.

We go downstairs to the cool basement and I have a hot cup of tea when David jumps on me, which I then spill all over my front and have blisters on my chest. My daughter locks eyes with me again wondering, "what’s it going to take for my Mom to crack?" David decides he wants me to read him a book, thank God, however he decides to trap the cat in his stealth hands and strangle it to get it to stay. Okay, that’s it!!!!

I loose it with David and remove his little self to his room, where it’s 100 degrees because the A/C is not working . I don't know exactly what I said and I know a ruler was involved on his greater end, but he was a changed man.

FINALLY the kids make a tent and get distracted, I make their snack supper (the power is out), and take it downstairs where David breaks the glass cup that the smoothie was in all over the floor.

I clean it up, and come up and eat my dinner when Sydney somehow finds the one piece of glass I missed and cuts her foot, and bleeds all over the floor. I clean the floor for the 4th time today. Every-time I bend over with a head cold I feel like my brains are going to come out of my head.

After this I have to drag Purdy home out of the neighbors yard.

Make a new tent for David as I had to go hunting for glass. Then they beg me over and over to sleep downstairs under the new tent, I decide to be a 'yes' Mom.

By this point my body is just moving and the head is no longer attached. I drag Purdy's kennel up the stairs and set up the kids bedding.

I turn and smile as Sydney and David are reading their Bible's together in the lantern light like little Angel's. Remember, David can’t read, but he is looking at the pictures.

Now I have Chad's cat on my bed giving itself a bath and I would really like for it to take it's affectionate little fur ball self somewhere else, but he will Meow without Syd in the room across from me. So, after kicking it off my bed twice and chasing the cat out from under the bed, I extend my grace to the cat and it’s litter box onto the back porch. Where I give him my best goodnight you “b-e-e-p”.

Exhaustion!!!! And why do I feel tense? This is God's idea of testing? Perseverance? I don't know? I do know that I am not sure what curse words I said in front of the kids today. I will apologize tomorrow.